There Has Never Been A More Important Time To Listen

by Kara McCord, M.A. IO Psychology Work (and life) as we knew it came to a screeching halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The federal government is passing massive legislation to offer aid to Americans at a record-breaking pace, the economy is more volatile than ever, and organizations are changing in the form of remote work or furloughing their workforces. As a leader in an organization, you know (because you’re experiencing it too) that everyone has a lot going on, personally and professionally. How do you make sense of it all – the struggles your teams are facing while working [...]

It’s Time to Elevate

A message from Chris Powell, CEO of Talmetrix  Listen for the signal in the noise A few weeks ago, I canceled my cable TV subscription. Too much noise, not enough signal. That’s the thing about information—there’s more of it than ever, but loud, continuous, well-packaged noise is still noise. And the noise wasn’t making me smarter or more informed, and it definitely wasn’t leading to genuine insight. So, for the first time in a while, I came home to a quiet space. Then COVID hit and everything changed. Apart from the occasional trip to the office (there’s no one there, [...]

2022-07-14T14:26:23+00:00April 14, 2020|Covid19, Remote Work, Talmetrix|
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