About Jason Ruebel

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So far Jason Ruebel has created 15 blog entries.

Insights That Matter: Inclusion & Equality Index

Inclusion and equality are top-of-mind for many these days, especially inclusion and equality at work. Talmetrix prides itself on considering diversity and inclusion in everything we do - research, solutions advisory, and product development. We aren't perfect, but strive to be a model and partner for our clients, which is why we’ve included the Inclusion and Equality Index (IEI for short) into our solutions playbook. When researching equity, inclusion, and equality in the workplace, we found that these concepts are woven into all employee experiences and aren’t stand-alone concepts - when you think about it, it makes a lot of [...]

2022-07-14T14:24:36+00:00August 10, 2020|Diversity, Equality, Featured Blog Post, Inclusion, Talmetrix|

It’s Time to LISTEN & LEAD

A message from Chris Powell, CEO of Talmetrix  It’s Time to LISTEN & LEAD! I wasn’t always just black. I used to be just a kid...you know a human being.I was 7 years old and landed the lead role as the frog in the spring school play. My entire family was excited, including my grandmother who made my costume, and my mother who taught 6th grade at the same school that was 95% white. The play was a success. A few days later, some of the older students commented to me that they had never seen a black frog before [...]

2022-07-14T14:24:58+00:00July 16, 2020|Covid19, Diversity, Racism, Talmetrix|

Re-Entry – A Model for Renewal and Performance

Check out our latest promotion! For a limited time, we are pleased to offer you an opportunity to strengthen your skills and ability to lead through adversity. Via our strategic partnership with PEAK Learning, you can complete the AQ® (Adversity Quotient) profile for free. AQ is the most scientifically robust and widely used method in the world for measuring and strengthening human resilience. Leverage the insights from the AQ® profile to THRIVE in the new normal. Get Free AQ Profile l Learn more about AQ by Kara McCord, M.A. IO Psychology How Does this End? Right now, in [...]

There Has Never Been A More Important Time To Listen

by Kara McCord, M.A. IO Psychology Work (and life) as we knew it came to a screeching halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The federal government is passing massive legislation to offer aid to Americans at a record-breaking pace, the economy is more volatile than ever, and organizations are changing in the form of remote work or furloughing their workforces. As a leader in an organization, you know (because you’re experiencing it too) that everyone has a lot going on, personally and professionally. How do you make sense of it all – the struggles your teams are facing while working [...]

It’s Time to Elevate

A message from Chris Powell, CEO of Talmetrix  Listen for the signal in the noise A few weeks ago, I canceled my cable TV subscription. Too much noise, not enough signal. That’s the thing about information—there’s more of it than ever, but loud, continuous, well-packaged noise is still noise. And the noise wasn’t making me smarter or more informed, and it definitely wasn’t leading to genuine insight. So, for the first time in a while, I came home to a quiet space. Then COVID hit and everything changed. Apart from the occasional trip to the office (there’s no one there, [...]

2022-07-14T14:26:23+00:00April 14, 2020|Covid19, Remote Work, Talmetrix|
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